Bernhard Bornstein, John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal and Finn Iunke. Photo: Jörg Wiesner.

Bornstein / Iunker / Wilhite-Hannisdal: Notices from the Paris Commune

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!

Tuesday, 20 September, at 16:00–17:30
Sold out

Free entrance with ticket from Operaen

Experience the revolt in Paris in 1871 as a gateway to our own time.

The Paris Commune is the leading character in this commissioned piece. Notices from the Paris Commune is the first larger collaboration between Bornstein, Iunker and Wilhite-Hannisdal, who together with soloists from the National Opera and singers from the Opera Choir dramatize one of the most important social uprisings in modern time.

The work takes the form of a film, with video design by Lesia Vasylchenko, Together with the Opera, we invite you to the premiere in the Formidlingssenteret at the Opera House.

Bernhard Bornstein, John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal and Finn Iunke. Photo: Jörg Wiesner.


  • Bernhard Bornstein / John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal


  • Finn Iunker


  • Lesia Vasylchenko


  • César Cañón


  • Den Norske Opera & Balletts orchestra, singers from the Opera choir


  • Tone Kummervold, Eirik Grøtvedt, Cecilie Cathrine Ødegården, Robert Näse, Rolf Conrad, Thomas Flodin

Sound montage

  • John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal
  • Gaute Nistov

Sound mix

  • John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal
  • Gaute Nistov

Executive producer

  • Henrik Celius

In collaboration with

  • Den Norske Opera & Ballett