Travelling and Remaining

Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad

15–23 September 2023

Showings and tickets

Friday, 15/09

Akershus festning

Sunday, 17/09

Akershus festning

Monday, 18/09

Akershus festning

Tuesday, 19/09

Akershus festning

Wednesday, 20/09

Akershus festning

Thursday, 21/09

Akershus festning

Friday, 22/09

Akershus festning

Saturday, 23/09

Akershus festning

Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad has created a sound walk around Akershus Fortress, which has many viewpoints over the city and out to sea. The sounds and her voice in your ears tell poetic stories and invite you to reflect on your own relationships to familiar and unfamiliar places.

Beginning at Karpedammen, you are eventually guided to the waterfront outside of the fortress. As you walk, you hear Kaldestad instructing you where to go. She directs your gaze in different directions and supplies a personal narrative about the feeling of home and memory, interspersed with other voices and experiences. She evokes the changing, sensual aspects of cities with smells of mango, traffic and chaos, but also the parks and oases of calm.

NB: Remember to bring your own head set/ear phones.

Due to Oslo maraton the soundwalk will be closed on Saturday 16 September. 

How to do the walk:

  • Go to Karpedammen at Akershus Fortress where you'll find a banner with the QR code (pictured below)
  • Download the free mobile app ECHOES interactive Soundwalks from Apple Store/Google Play
  • Scan the QR code on the banner or from the image below (Norwegian or English versions)
  • The ECHOES app will locate your phone via GPS and track you as you go
  • Put on your headphones and follow Gyrid’s voice which guides you through the walk
  • The whole route takes around 30 minutes and ends at the quay opposite the Oslo rådhus (Oslo City hall)
  • If you are not sure if you are going the right way, you can always refer to the map in the app, even though generally it’s recommended to keep the mobile in your pocket and look around you!

    Enjoy your walk!




Great experience

Really opened my eyes (and ears) to the local environment. How much variety and diversity you can find in a city like Oslo, and how many more sounds we can hear if we stop to llsten. Having to think about my own answers to these questions gave me a new insight into myself as well as the city. I highly recommend giving this a try.




From hidden serene spots to the occasional chilly and damp atmosphere, the text delves into the fluidity of time and the changing functions of historical buildings. It weaves the fortress's darker history as a prison with its present-day version – a serene green oasis resonating with birdsong and granting enchanting vistas.

Concept, composition and voice

  • Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad


  • Are Lothe Kolbeinsen

Mandolin and tenor guitar

  • Roald Kaldestad


  • Notam/Thom Johansen

In collaboration with

  • Akershus festning
  • Sounds Now

Supported by

  • Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
  • Sparebankstiftelsen DNB
  • Norsk Kulturfond
  • NTNU

For voices and answers - Composer's thank you to

  • Ben Duinker, Siri Jøntvedt, Mariam Gviniashvili, Stine Sørlie, Saila Hyttinen, Magdaléna Manderlová, Heather Frasch, Anne Hytta, Klaus Ellerhusen Holm, Eira Bjørnstad Foss, Marte Huke, Are Lothe Kolbeinsen, Kristin Bolstad og Lars Ove Fossheim