Ensemble Temporum

Nocturnal microtones

Saturday, 24 September, at 15:00–16:15
150–250 kr

Fiercely original textures in Ensemble Temporum’s adventurous programme

Chaya Czernowin: Ayre: Towed Through Plumes, Thicket, Asphalt, Sawdust and Hazardous Air I Shall Not Forget the Sound Of (2016) 

Martin Bauck: tostados en córdoba en medio de la noche (2019)

Paul Clift: On the Celestial Hierarchy (2014) 

Chaya Czernowin: Fast Darkness III: moonwords (2022, WP)

Ensemble Temporum performs two pieces, including a world premiere, by the Israeli-American composer Chaya Czernowin. Her international reputation is rapidly rising right now: critic Alex Ross has praised her music as ‘the negative beauty of disaster’.

The word premiere Fast Darkness III is the final part of a trilogy (the other two works were written for Klangforum Wien and Riot Ensemble). It features the piano as a microtonal instrument and has grown out of a close collaboration with the ensemble's pianist Sanae Yoshida.

The ensemble also performs Czernowin’s Ayre: Towed Through Plumes, Thicket, Asphalt, Sawdust and Hazardous Air I Shall Not ´Forget the Sound Of (2016) which involves slow scraping movements, noise and percussive sounds.

The timbre of the piano is also the focus of Martin Bauck's stripped-down, quiet tostados en córdoba en medio de la noche. Flageolets –medieval woodwind instruments – emit microtones that spread out across the ensemble. It was written for Ensemble Temporum in 2019.

On the Celestial Hierarchy (2015) by Australian Paul Clift portrays a dreamlike universe where the ensemble is treated as a unified sound.

Ensemble Temporum is an Oslo based ensemble with a rotating membership. They are named after Gérard Grisey’s Vortex Temporum, which they performed at Ultima in 2016.

Chaya Czernowin. Photo: Astrid Ackerman.


  • Kai Grinde Myrann


  • Ensemble Temporum


  • Takao Hyakutome


  • Bénédicte Royer


  • Erlend Habbestad


  • Sanae Yoshida

Pre-recorded samples

  • Jennifer Torrence


  • Lauri Sallinen


  • Maiken Schau

In collaboration with

  • Ensemble Temporum