Being Somewhere

Robert Seaback I Alessandra Rombolà

Sunday, 17 September, at 17:00–18:00
150 kr

American composer Robert Seaback is fascinated by the question of whether the feeling of ‘being somewhere’ necessarily involves being physically in a particular space. Probing into digital reality, Being Somewhere is a multichannel electroacoustic performance, resulting from a doctoral research at Norges Musikkhøgskole (the Norwegian Academy of Music). The work uses recordings of environmental sounds, embodied acoustic experiences, and digital manipulation in order to transport the listener to fictional realms where different spaces merge.

Enhancing instability, the presence of live musicians in the concert hall contrasts with the sounds heard in the electronic part, bringing us back and forth from the virtual to the physical world. The result is a hyperreal space where the body feels it is elsewhere, while your feet remain firmly on the ground.

NB: Free entrance for all students.




Food for the ears

For anyone who loves to listen to tiny details of sound with deep focus, and yet be swamped and overwhelmed by its power at the same time, this new work by Robert Seaback will be perfect.



A physical presence

Some of these acoustic effects very familiar from my experience ofgaming, orwatching a sensory-enhanced 4D movie. The difference was that I was not being lured into an illusory world: the craft that has gone into this is amazing, and leaves you with a very heightened feeling of your own presence in your body...

Robert Seaback I Photo: Steph Denardo


Alessandra Rombolà

Pre-recorded samples

Ingar Zach, Marika Shultze

In collaboration with

Norges Musikkhøgskole (NMH)